YieldNodes: Funding Your Account with Bitcoin

4 min readApr 15, 2021

The cryptocurrency bull market continues to hum along without hesitation. Analysts see a long-term, bright future for crypto as a whole. Individuals may feel like they missed their chance to get involved, but they have not. Today is the best chance you have to be a part of the movement.

More and more traditional market participants and people around the world want to get involved, but a lot of them don’t know-how. Luckily they have a trusted platform like YieldNodes to hold their hand along the way and make their entry into crypto confident and seamless.

Now that we have covered all the steps necessary to create and verify your new YieldNodes account, it is time to fund it. There are a few ways to accomplish that, including fiat to crypto payment processors and specialty Sapphire Shopping vouchers. We’ll cover those two in upcoming pieces.


Bitcoin [BTC] is the easiest and simplest way to fund your YieldNodes account to begin earning returns on a monthly basis. If you already own at least €500 worth of Bitcoin, you can use the following steps:

We start back on the main dashboard, where we left off with our old friend, John Doe. After a test deposit and returns, John wants to now fund his YieldNodes account with €50,000.

We can achieve this by either clicking the large Deposit button on the Dashboard's right side or selecting the Deposit button from the static menu on the left.

In this article, we are only focusing on the use of Bitcoin to fund your YieldNodes account.

First, you will want to input the amount of Euros or Bitcoin you want to fund your account with. You can edit either amount, and the corresponding box will automatically update. Here, John is depositing €50,000 or 1.0187 BTC into his YeildNodes account.

Next, Joh will click the Show/Generate Bitcoin Address. This will generate a unique, temporary BTC address to deposit his Bitcoin to. This is the address you will copy and paste into your wallet to send your Bitcoin.

Click send and wait for network confirmations on the Bitcoin network. After a couple of confirmations, the BTC you deposited will arrive in your account and show in the Pending category on your Dashboard.

A corresponding deposit amount will arrive in your transaction history at the bottom of the page, seen here:

Since YieldNodes specializes in masternoding, there is a seven (7) day idle period for new deposits. This allows the team time to exchange and utilize the funds to maximize returns for every user. You will see this note after a deposit to inform you of the process, as well as a release date for the pending deposit.

At this point, you are all set. You have successfully funded your YieldNodes account with Bitcoin. After seven days, the funds will become active in your account and begin receiving returns. The next step is to sit back and watch your monthly returns come in.

In a later article, we will cover how to reinvest your monthly returns, how to adjust your setting to automatically reinvest, as well as how to withdraw if you choose to do so.

YieldNodes Official Links:
Website: https://yieldnodes.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yieldnodes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yieldnodes/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yield_nodes/
Medium: https://medium.com/@yieldnodes
TrustPilot Reviews: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/yieldnodes.com

