2 min readOct 17, 2024

Dear YieldNoders,

We are excited to share our latest updates and news with you. We have a lot to cover, so let’s get started.

YieldNodes Live Coin Monitor (Beta)
To increase transparency regarding our masternodes and the network, we have introduced a new menu within the YieldNodes Members area. Between the KYC Documents and Mails Archive, you will now find the Audit Coin Reserves.

This feature provides detailed statistics on all the coins and the number of masternodes in operation. We hope this gives you peace of mind, knowing that our operations are not only ongoing but also that we are diligently working on building robust and sustainable blockchains on your behalf.

NFT Distribution & Buyback
We are pleased to inform you that the distribution of the new NFTs is 95% complete. However, there is a backlog of open cases due to the large number of late messages and the technical process involved in recovering lost values and checking transaction histories. Although only 5% of cases remain open, this still represents thousands of individual cases that we are working to resolve. We kindly ask for your patience as we continue to address these.

The NFT Buyback Program is currently delayed because we need to build up coin values and balances. Unfortunately, this is difficult to time. We anticipated a stronger comeback in altcoins over the past year, but this has not materialized yet. Therefore, we must remain strong and steadfast in our approach.

YieldNodes Pro Launch and Timeline
The current market conditions, especially for non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies, are challenging, with regulation and scrutiny at an all-time high. There are several legal hurdles to overcome, and we are working with multiple law firms to ensure we are fully compliant and can move forward confidently.

As always, we send our best wishes and thank you for holding the line and staying behind the project.

Sincerely and with gratitude,

The YieldNodes Team

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